In Insights > Manage Dashboards, you can create, share, rename, clone, and delete dynamic dashboards. You must have access to Manage Insights dynamic dashboards via the Insights access group set.
The dashboards page shows the following information:
- Icons on the left indicate whether the dashboard is a standard dashboard, is shared, or is unshared.
- A Lock icon indicates that the dashboard is a standard dashboard.
- The People icon indicates that the dashboard has been shared with access groups.
- If no icon appears, this indicates that only the dashboard creator and Account Administrators have access to the dashboard.
- Name—The name of the dashboard.
Access Groups—A list of the access groups that have access to the dashboard.
Note: Account Administrators can manage the level of data access for dashboards via the Insights Access Group set.
- Created by—The dashboard creator. For standard dashboards, the creator is “Kantata”.
- View —Opens the dashboard in a new tab.
- Favorite —Adds the dashboard to a Favorites section in the Insights menu in the left navigation. The Favorites section appears at the top of the Insights left navigation menu, allowing you to quickly navigate to your frequently accessed dashboards.
- Clone —Creates a clone of the dashboard.
- Share How to Share a Dashboard section for more information. —Opens a modal where Account Administrators can select which access groups have access to the dashboard. See the
- Delete —Permanently deletes the dashboard.
How to Create a New Dashboard
- In the left navigation, hover over Insights, then select Manage Dashboards.
- On the Dynamic Dashboards page, select Create Dashboard.
The new dashboard appears at the bottom of the list. - Click the dashboard name to rename it.Note: The character limit is 50 characters.
- Click outside of the field to save the name.
- Select the View Using the Dashboard Editor article for more information. icon to open the dashboard and start editing it. See the
By default, new dashboards can only be accessed by the dashboard creator and Account Administrators. To allow other people to view a dashboard, an Account Administrator must share the dashboard with access groups from the dashboards page or via Settings > Access Groups.
How to Rename a Dashboard
- In the left navigation, hover over Insights, then select Manage Dashboards.
- On the Dynamic Dashboards page, click the name of the dashboard you want to rename and then enter a new name.
Note: The character limit is 50 characters. - Click outside of the field to save the name.
How to Clone a Dashboard
One way to get more out of Insights is to clone a standard dashboard. This allows you to customize our standard dashboards to better suit your business. The standard dashboard stays the same, meaning that any changes made to the clone only impact the clone.
- In the left navigation, hover over Insights, then select Manage Dashboards.
- On the Dynamic Dashboards page, select the Clone Note: Alternatively, you can navigate to a dashboard and select the Clone button in the upper-right corner.
icon for the dashboard. The new cloned dashboard appears at the bottom of the list.
- Click the dashboard name to rename it.
Note: The character limit is 50 characters. - Click outside of the field to save the name.
When you clone a dashboard, the reports in the dashboard are not also cloned. The cloned dashboard will contain the original reports. To learn how to clone reports, see the How to Clone a Report section in the Managing Reports article.
How to Share a Dashboard
As an Account Administrator, you can share dashboards with specific Access Groups and determine the level of access the members in that group should have.
From the Dashboards Page
When you share a dashboard from the dashboards page, you can quickly share a dashboard with multiple Access Groups at once.
- In the left navigation, hover over Insights, then select Manage Dashboards.
- On the Dynamic Dashboards page, select the Share Note: Alternatively, you can navigate to a dashboard and select the Share button in the upper-right corner.
icon for the dashboard.
- In the modal that appears, select the Access Groups you would like to have access to this dashboard. You can also search for Access Groups by name.Note: Each Access Group that is given access to a dashboard must also have a Data Access level selected and permission to View Insights Dynamic Dashboards via the Insights Access Group set in Settings > Access Groups.
- Click Share.
From Settings > Access Groups
When you share a dashboard from Settings > Access Groups, you can quickly share multiple dashboards with one Access Group at once and determine their dashboard permissions and data access levels at the same time.
- In the left navigation, hover over Settings, then select Access Groups.
- On the Access Groups page, select the name of the access group you would like to share a dashboard with.
- On the access group page, locate the Insights set and select Edit.
- Scroll down to the Shared Dynamic Dashboards section and select Edit.
- In the Shared Dynamic Dashboards section, check the dashboards you would like this access group to have access to.
- Click Save.
- In the top-left corner of the page, select Insights to return to the previous page.
- In the Dynamic Dashboard Permissions section, make sure the View Insights dynamic dashboards permission is checked.
Note: If Manage Insights dynamic dashboards is selected and View Insights dynamic dashboards is not selected, members will still be able to view dashboards.
- In the Data Access section, make sure No access is not selected. If it is, set the level of data you want Access Group members to see in the shared dashboards.Note: If members in this Access Group are in other Access Groups as well, Data Access selections for those groups may affect what data is visible in these shared dashboards. You can see which members have access to a dashboard as well as their level of access from the Dashboard Access page.
- If you made any changes on this page, click Save.
How to Manage Dashboard Permissions
By default, only Account Administrators have access to all dynamic dashboards. You can share dashboards and modify the level of access a user has to those dashboards with the following steps:
- In the left navigation, hover over Insights, then select Manage Dashboards.
- On the Dynamic Dashboards page, select the Share icon for the dashboard.
- In the modal that appears, click the View the members who have access link in the bottom-left corner to open the Dashboard Access page in a new tab.
On the Dashboard Access page, review the following information to verify each member has the desired access:
- Members
- Data Access Level
- Dashboard Permissions
- Access Groups
Note: Changes for the Insights Access Group set are synced every half hour, so it may take some time before data access, dashboard permission, and shared dashboard selections are reflected in the Insights dashboard or in the dashboard preview. By default, Account Administrators have access to all dashboards, permission to View and Manage dashboards, and a Data Access level of Full Access. Because this access cannot be modified, Account Administrators do not appear in the Dashboard Access table. - To see what the dashboard looks like for a user, select the Preview button.
- When finished, click the Close icon in the top-right corner of the Dashboard Preview modal. ")
- If you need to change the level of access for a user, select an Access Group in the Access Groups column to make update the selections in that Access Group.
How to Delete a Dashboard
Deleting a dashboard is a permanent action; once a dashboard has been deleted, it cannot be restored. Make sure you don't need this dashboard before deleting. You may want to consider removing a dashboard from all Access Groups first to verify it isn’t needed.
- In the left navigation, hover over Insights, then select Manage Dashboards.
- On the Dynamic Dashboards page, select the Delete Note: Alternatively, you can navigate to a dashboard and select the Delete button in the upper-right corner.
icon for the dashboard you would like to delete.
- Click Delete in the confirmation modal.
1 comment
This article has been updated to include additional videos in the How to Create a New Dashboard and How to Clone a Dashboard sections.
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