The Files tab in the project workspace contains a collective list of all files that you and other team members have uploaded to your project. Having all the files in one place makes it easier for you to see what’s been uploaded or attached to your project since it first started. You can also preview, download, delete, and search for a file from this page.
If you have the Google Workspace integration enabled, the Files tab displays all Google Drive files that have been attached to your project.
To learn how to upload files to a project, see the Uploading and Sharing Files article.
Files Table
Each row in the Files table displays the following file information:
- Name
- Date Added
- Size
- Uploaded By
- Linked Task
Click a task name to open the Task side panel and view the task details.
If you linked a task to a file during the file upload process, you’ll see the task name and status under the Linked Task column.
To search for a specific file and narrow down the Files table list, you can use the Search for a file field located above the table.
To the right of each file row is the Actions column where you can preview, download, or delete a file.
Preview Note: Certain file types, such as .docx or .pages, cannot be previewed and must be downloaded to view.
—Click this icon to open a preview of the file in a new browser tab.
- Download —Click this icon to download the file to your computer.
To delete files that you uploaded, you must have the Post to Activity Feed project permission. To delete files uploaded by other users, you must be an Account Administrator.
All posts that contain deleted files will have a strikethrough in the file name to indicate that they have been deleted and are no longer accessible.
—Click this icon to delete the file from the project.
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