Access Groups: Resource Management
Default Account Permissions: Account Administrator
The filters in the Resource Center allow you to see only the resources or projects you are interested in and hide the rest. The Filters modal is where you select all the fields and values for the filter.
Using the Filters modal, you can combine various elements (fields and values) to create a filter that fits your needs. For example, you may want to view only resources who are available in a certain date range, projects only in the Estimate stage, or tasks with a specific status.
To open the Filters modal, click the Filters button on the Resource Center toolbar.
To see which filter types are available in the Fields section, click the drop-down arrow to the left of the Projects, Resources, and Tasks categories. For more information about the filters within each category, see Filter Categories.
In Resourcing areas, you can choose whether only Named resources, only Unnamed resources, or All resources display. The Named option is selected by default for the Team Members tab, while All is the default for the Projects tab, as well as a project’s Resourcing tab.
To the right of the Filters button in the toolbar, you may see the following options:
- Pinned Filters—You can pin filters that you use frequently and they will always appear in the toolbar by default without any values selected.
- Quick Filters—After applying filters from the Filters modal, you can quickly update the values for a filter from the toolbar. These filters will remain in the toolbar until you log out, leave the page, or manually clear them.
For more information on using filters, see the Filters Overview article.
You can save various combinations of filter settings as Saved Views. This is especially useful if you frequently switch between multiple filter options to get to the information you need—including resource type selections in the toolbar. Any filters that you pin will appear in every view, but Saved Views will include filters with specific values selected.
When applied, some filters prevent top-level rows from displaying. Other filters determine whether secondary or tertiary rows are shown or hidden. For example, selecting Tasks filters will hide information in both tabs of the Resource Center, but if you filter for only specific projects in the Projects tab or specific people in the Team Members tab, those rows will be removed completely, as they are top-level rows.
Some rows are also hidden by default. For example, when you expand a resource row in the Team Members tab, projects that don’t have future allocations can be hidden when no filters are applied at all. In the Projects tab, the same is true for people when you expand a project row.
When rows are hidden, you can click Show to reveal the hidden information and then click Hide when you are finished reviewing the hidden rows.
Filter Categories
Filters are grouped in Projects, Resources, and Tasks categories. Within these categories, you can only see the filters that you have access to see. For example, you only have permission to see custom field filters within the Projects and Resources categories that give Read access to your Account Permission level or higher.
Project Filters
The following filter types are available in the Projects category:
- Projects—View only specific projects or only resources who are participating in specific projects.
- Groups—View only projects that have been assigned to specific groups.
- Provider Leads—View only projects with specific project provider team leads.
- Project Status—View only projects with specific statuses. You can select each status individually, or you can select the colored dot at the top of the Values section to select all statuses associated with the selected color.
- Project Colors—View only projects that are specific project colors. Selecting multiple options will show all projects that have been assigned the associated colors.
Project Stage—View only projects that are in the Estimate stage or Project stage. Selecting both options will show all projects that meet either of these criteria.
Note: In the Projects tab, projects in the Estimate stage are filtered out of the Resource Center by default.
Remaining Hours (Early Access)—View only resources that have future hours (including hours on the current date) and projects for those resources that have future hours. You designate whether these future hours are Soft Allocations, Hard Allocations, or Scheduled Hours. This filter is available only in the early access Team Members tab.
Note: When searching for multiple hour types, select All to show only resources and their projects that have all selected hours types in the future or select Any to show resources and their projects that have any of the selected future hour types in the future. Any is selected by default.
If you have Organizations enabled, you will also see Geographies and Departments filters in this section when you are in the Projects tab. These filters allow you to view only projects associated with the geographical regions or departments you select.
If you have any Project set custom fields, these fields may also appear. You can apply these filters to view only projects that meet the specified criteria. By default, they appear in alphabetical order below the Departments filter, but can appear elsewhere if you have pinned and reordered your filters.
Resource Filters
The following filter types are available in the Resources category:
- Team Members—View only specific team members or projects with specific team members.
Resources—If Named or All resources are visible, view only named resources—or projects with named resources—who are overallocated or have soft allocations. Selecting both options will show all projects that meet any of the selected criteria.
Note: When Resource Requests are enabled, Unnamed or All resources are visible, and you are a Resource Request Approver, there are additional options that let you quickly find submitted requests.
- Roles—View only resources with specific roles or projects that include specific roles.
- Managers—View only people who have been assigned to a specific manager. Managers are assigned in the Organizations section of the User side panel.
Availability By Date—View only resources who meet the specified availability criteria for workweeks within the selected date range. You can specify availability requirements based on allocated hours or percentage per week. You can also choose to Include Soft Allocations, which count both soft and hard allocations against a team member's availability.
Note: This filter only appears in the Team Members tab.
Skills—View only resources who have a specific skill set. You can further refine this filter to only show specific levels for each skill (e.g., 1 to 5).
Note: When searching for multiple skills, select All to find team members that have every skill you’re looking for or Any to find those that match one or more.
If you have Organizations enabled, you will also see Geographies and Departments filters in this section when you are in the Team Members tab, which allow you to view only projects assigned to team members that are associated with the geographical regions or departments you select.
If you have any User set custom fields, these fields may also appear. You can apply these filters to view only team members that meet the specified criteria. By default, they appear in alphabetical order below the Departments filter, but can appear elsewhere if you have pinned and reordered your filters.
Task Filters
The following filter types are available in the Tasks category:
- Task Start Date—View only tasks with start dates that fall in the specified date range.
- Task Due Date—View only tasks with due dates that fall in the specified date range.
- Task Status—View only tasks with the specified statuses.
- Task Type—View only tasks with the specified task types.
- Task Title—View only tasks with the specified titles.
This article has been updated to include information on the Remaining Hours filter—available only in the early access Team Members tab.
This article has been updated to include information on the new percent option in the Availability By Date filter.
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