The ability to configure columns in the Resource Center is now available in Early Access, giving users like you the opportunity to adopt new features early and manage change for your organization. To get started, have an Account Administrator activate the feature from the Early Access page.
The new tab will be available alongside the Team Members tab during the early access period, allowing you to switch between the two tabs as you become more familiar.
The Resource Center offers a single, easy-to-use visual interface where you can manage allocations, scheduled hours, resource scheduling adjustments, Resource Requests, and more—all in one place. The new Configure Columns feature in the early access Team Members tab extends this visibility even further, giving you the flexibility to:
- Expose data that was previously unavailable—like Future Scheduled Hours, Future Allocated Hours, Request Status, or custom field columns
- Hide the information you don't need
- Resize each column individually or resize the entire column list
- Sort by specific columns
- Easily digest timeline information with small visual updates
All of the above can be leveraged in Saved Views to help you quickly complete common staffing processes. For example, you can curate Saved Views that allow you to more easily:
- Visualize workload capacity
- Manage utilization for your team
- Use the Resource Center as a bench report
- Submit Resource Requests
- Staff projects or approve outstanding Resource Requests
- Look at projects in a pipeline view
You can even leverage user and resource custom fields when building these views to help you get the information you need for these processes that may be more unique to your business practices.
All Saved Views that are currently available in the old Team Members tab will be immediately available in the early access Team Members tab. Any changes that you make to your Saved Views in the old Team Members tab will override the changes you have made in the early access Team Members tab.
To access this new functionality, select Resourcing in the left navigation to open the Resource Center, then click on the early access Team Members tab.
Benefits of Configurable Columns in Resourcing Views
When you take advantage of the functionality available in the early access Team Members tab, you can:
- Make informed resourcing decisions with all the data in one centralized location
- Save time and reduce context switching without having to switch back and forth between different tabs and tools to find the information you need
- More efficiently expose where data is missing or incomplete
- See the impact of resourcing decisions in real-time with more relevant data visibility and timely updates
- Collaborate more effectively with your team by viewing the same data to make resourcing decisions
- Customize your resourcing experience with Saved Views, additional columns, user and resource custom fields available as columns, additional filters, and the ability to adjust not only how wide the list side of the Resource Center is but also individual column width and sorting.
As more columns become available to save in your views, you’ll be able to integrate more of your processes into the Resource Center—from utilizing bench reports to managing resources for pipeline projects to reducing staffing time with Resource Requests.
Differences between the Old Team Members Tab and the Early Access Team Members Tab
In addition to an updated look and a more flexible, customizable resourcing experience, the early access Team Members tab gives you access to new tools and features that are not available in the old tab. To familiarize yourself with the new page and learn how to complete the actions you normally would, expand each section below where we compare differences between the new and old layout.
List Appearance
In the old tab, the Team Members list was small—with no way to adjust the size—and contained static information that always appeared at the resource, project, and task level. At the task level, you could view up to 100 tasks maximum and information was hidden based on filter criteria.
In the early access tab, you can:
- See the same information broken down into separate columns, making it easier to read.
- Clearly identify project rows with quick visual references, including a Folder
- Choose to hide some information and show information that was not previously available—like Future Scheduled Hours, Future Allocated Hours, Request Status, or custom fields.
- Adjust the width of individual columns.
- Change how to sort information from any column.Note: By default, named and unnamed resources are sorted alphabetically, projects are sorted by the number of future allocated hours or future scheduled hours (depending on your selected display preference), and tasks are sorted alphabetically.
- Adjust the width of the entire list.
- View up to 50 tasks and 50 projects maximum.
List Actions
Some of the actions that you can perform from the list are still the same. For example, all More
menu options are the same in both tabs. Other actions may not be available currently or may appear in a different place.In the old tab, you could expand all rows from the top of the list, add people to projects, view other assignees on tasks, edit resource estimated hours on tasks, and show all or hide some of a resource’s assigned projects—with projects being automatically hidden when they had no future allocations or didn’t match filter criteria.
In the early access tab, you cannot expand all rows at once or edit any cells for the time being.
You can:
- Use the Remaining Hours filter to hide projects and resources that don’t have future hours, which includes any hours assigned on the current day. Specify if these future hours need to be Soft Allocations, Hard Allocations, or Scheduled Hours. You can also decide if you want projects to appear when a resource has All of the selected hour types in the future or if they are assigned Any of the selected hour types in the future.
- Click the Add
- See that projects appear by default in order of the number of future allocated hours—or future scheduled hours if you have Scheduled Hours selected as your Hours View Preference in display preferences—instead of being hidden.
Tip: Use the Remaining Hours filter in the Filters modal to remove projects from your view when those resources don’t have future allocations on those projects. Add this filter to your views if you prefer that these resources not appear in the list. - Make your views more customizable by adding custom field columns
add, edit, and remove. - See only tasks and projects that are relevant to the applied filters, with no “hidden” items.
- Open the Task side panel to view other assignees and edit resource estimated hours without leaving the context of the Resource Center.
Side Panels
In the old tab, you clicked the resource name to open the User side panel—for a named resource—or the Resource side panel—for an unnamed resource. In the project row, you clicked the Side Panel
icon to open the Project side panel.When you clicked the task name in the task row, a new tab opened with the Task side panel open in Task Tracker. When you clicked the project name in the project row, a new tab would open with the project’s Resourcing tab.
In the early access tab, the following side panels are currently accessible:
User side panel—In the team member row, click the Side Panel
Resource side panel—In the project row, click the Side Panel
Project side panel—In the project row, click the project name in the Project column. You can still access the project by clicking the Go to Project link in the Project side panel header.
Task side panel—In the task row, click the Side Panel
Similar to the old tab, you can only open side panels when you have the appropriate access.
Saved Views
The behavior for Saved Views is the same in the new tab as the old tab. In fact, all views that you have created and saved in the old Team Members tab will be available in the early access tab.
In addition to saving filter selections and the columns that appear (including the order of columns), each individual view in the Resource Center now also includes:
- Individual column width sizes, as well as the width of the entire list side.
- Column sorting selections for resource, project, and task rows.
- User and resource custom fields that can be added as columns in your views.
Timeline Appearance
In the old tab, allocations and scheduled hours appeared differently depending on your selected hours view preference:
- Allocated Hours—Allocation bars in the resource row were blue and overallocations were purple with red shading appearing above and below the allocation bar. All allocations in the project row were blue or—if project colors were enabled—matched the project color. If scheduled hours were entered, a thin, blue line appeared at the bottom of the allocation bar in both the resource row and the project row.
- Scheduled Hours—Scheduled hour boxes in the resource row were blue and overscheduled hours were red. All scheduled hours in the project rows were not shaded any color.
- Compare Scheduled vs. Allocated—The height of each resource and project row was increased to include visual information on both scheduled hours and allocations. These hours appeared the same as in their respective views with two exceptions: overscheduled hours were represented by a thin, red line over allocations and the scheduled hours boxes did not have any blue or red color.
In all of these hour views, scheduled time off is indicated in the resource row with a triangle in the upper-left corner of the date range and holiday information does not appear. If the time off is equal to their full working day or there is a holiday, these days contain diagonal striping on the project rows to indicate it is a non-working day..
In the Allocated Hours view preference of the early access tab, you’ll notice:
- Allocation bars on the resource row are now a purple color, with lighter or darker shading based on the number of hours. Soft allocations are still indicated by diagonal stripes.
- Overallocations now display as dark red bars, helping you quickly identify when a user is over capacity.
- A light gray overlay on all allocation bars makes the percentage and hours information easy to read.
- In the Day view, scheduled time off is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line that appears at the bottom of the row and a Time Off
- In the Day view, a holiday is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line that appears at the bottom of the row and a Holiday
- In the Week view, scheduled time off is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line that appears at the bottom of the row and a Time Off
- In the Week view, a holiday is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line that appears at the bottom of the row and a Holiday
In the Scheduled Hours view preference of the early access tab, you’ll notice:
- Scheduled hours bars are purple—with lighter or darker shading based on the number of hours—and a purple line at the top of the bar.
- Overscheduled hours bars are red with a dark red line at the top of the bar.
- A light gray overlay on scheduled hours bars makes the hours information easy to read.
- In the Day view, scheduled time off is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line at the top of the scheduled hours bar and a Time Off
- In the Day view, a holiday is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line at the top of the scheduled hours bar and a Holiday
- In the Week view, scheduled time off is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line at the top of the scheduled hours bar and a Time Off
- In the Week view, a holiday is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line at the top of the scheduled hours bar and a Holiday
In the Compare Scheduled vs. Allocated view preference of the early access tab, you’ll notice:
- The height of the row now stays the same with the scheduled hours and allocations information shrinking to fit in that space. These hours otherwise appear the same as in their respective views.
- In the Day view, scheduled time off is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line that appears in the middle of the row (between any allocated and scheduled hours bars) and a Time Off
- In the Day view, a holiday is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line that appears in the middle of the row (between any allocated and scheduled hours bars) and a Holiday
- In the Week view, scheduled time off is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line that appears in the middle of the row (between any allocated and scheduled hours bars) and a Time Off
- In the Week view, a holiday is indicated in the resource row with a yellow line that appears in the middle of the row (between any allocated and scheduled hours bars) and a Holiday
Available Columns
While the Resource Center will have a new look and feel, you’ll still have access to all the same information, as well as additional information. By default, these columns will all appear in the same order you see them in now. The main difference is that you now have the power to hide unnecessary information and rearrange columns in the order that makes sense for your team and your processes.
You can also sort your resources based on the different data points that are important for your current process—such as sorting by Request Status to quickly see which requests have been rejected for unnamed resources or sorting by Scheduled Hours to start entering hours for unscheduled resources.
On the right side of the columns, you’ll notice a dedicated column that contains the following:
- Configure Columns adjust which columns appear in the list for the Team Members, Projects, and Tasks rows. icon—Located at the top of the column, this button launches the Configure Columns modal, which allows you to
- Add icon—Located in the Team Members rows, this icon allows you to add named and unnamed resources to projects. ”)
Side Panel Note: You can also access the Project side panel by clicking the name of projects that you have permission to access.
icon—When located in the Team Members row, this icon opens the User side panel. When located in the Projects row, this icon opens the Resource side panel.
- More menu—Located in the Projects and Tasks rows, these menus allow you to perform actions at the project and task levels.
You’ll notice that different information is available in the different row levels. See each section for information on each default column that appears in the Team Member, Project, and Task rows, as well as information on custom field columns.
Team Member Rows
The top-level row contains information about team members. Depending on what type of resource appears in the Team Members rows, you will see different data in the columns.
The following columns are available for the Team Members row:
Column | Description | Resize | Hide | Sort |
Team Member |
Depending on if this is a named or unnamed resource, this column includes one of the following:
✔ | ❌ | ✔ |
Role |
The member’s account role. Note: Data is only visible in this column when viewing a named resource. |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Skills |
The number of skills assigned to the member. You can click on this number to view their skills and proficiency levels. Note: Data is only visible in this column when viewing a named resource. |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Project Rows
The second-level row contains information about projects the team member is participating in.
The following columns are available for the Projects row:
Column | Description | Resize | Hide | Sort |
Project |
The project a member is participating in. |
✔ | ❌ | ✔ |
Resource Label | The resource label of the named or unnamed resource’s project role. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Project Status | The status set on the project. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Allocated Hours | The resource’s total allocated hours on the project. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Estimated Hours | The resource’s total resource estimated hours on the project. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Scheduled Hours | The resource’s total scheduled hours on the project, based on their scheduled hours assignments on their tasks. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Actual Hours | The resource’s actual hours on the project, based on their time entries. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Future Allocated Hours | The resource’s allocated hours that are planned for future dates. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Future Scheduled Hours | The resource’s scheduled hours that are planned for future dates. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Request Status | If Resource Requests are enabled for your account, this is the status of a Resource Request (Submitted, Canceled, Rejected, or Approved). | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Resource ID | The unique ID of a resource. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Previous Resource ID | The unique ID of the resource that another resource was created from. A resource ID only appears when you have duplicated a resource from another resource. | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Task Rows
The third-level row contains information about tasks the team member is assigned to within a project.
The following columns are available for the Tasks row:
Column | Description | Resize | Hide | Sort |
Task |
The title of the resource’s assigned task. |
✔ | ❌ | ✔ |
Task Status |
The status of the resource’s assigned task. |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Task Type |
The task type—Task, Deliverable, Milestone, or Issue—of the resource’s assigned task. |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Estimated Hours |
The resource estimated hours assigned to the resource on the task. |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Scheduled Hours |
The scheduled hours assigned to the resource on the task. |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Actual Hours |
The resource’s actual hours on the task, based on their time entries. |
✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Custom Field Columns
To give you more visibility into your named and unnamed resource data, you can add custom field columns to your Resource Center views. Using custom fields allows you to add any business-specific fields to your views that aid you in your staffing processes—all of which ultimately helps you ensure that you can view and maintain all of your resource data in one place.
Being able to quickly reference and update resource data can help you make more informed resourcing decisions, keep your teams aligned, and improve your project outcomes by identifying and updating data gaps or inaccuracies much earlier.
The following custom field sets are currently available to add:
- User custom fields—User custom fields will appear on the top-level row (Team Members) and show data for named resources based on the custom field data in the User side panel. These columns will be blank on the top-level row for unnamed resources, where only the role appears.
- Resource custom fields—Resource custom fields—which are user custom fields that have been marked as Available to Resources in account settings—will appear on the second-level row (Projects) and show data for both named and unnamed resources based on the custom field data in the Resource side panel.
Like the other columns available in the Resource Center, you can also sort and resize custom field columns. The only columns that cannot be sorted are multi-select Choice custom fields.
To quickly switch processes and see different custom fields, you can set up Saved Views in the Resource Center.
Upcoming Functionality
During the early access period, we will continue to add more features to improve the look, feel, and function of the Resource Center. The following enhancements are currently planned and will be available during the specified time frames:
Feature | Expected Delivery |
Available in Projects tab | Q2 2025 |
Available in project’s Resourcing tab | Q2 2025 |
How to Configure Columns
You can choose which columns appear—and the order they appear in—from the Configure Columns modal.
To configure columns, complete the following steps:
In the Resource Center, select the early access Team Members tab.
Above the Team Members list, select the Configure Columns (“ ”) button.
In the Configure Columns modal, select and deselect the Team Members, Projects, and Tasks columns as you would like the information to appear for the respective rows, using the Search field in the top-right to quickly locate specific fields.
To rearrange the order of columns, select a column, then move it to the desired location.
When finished, select Apply. Any deselected columns are hidden and any selected columns appear.
To sort by a column, hover over the column header and select the arrow
icon that appears. -
To resize a column, click the border of the column header and drag in the desired direction.
If you resize a column so small that you cannot see the column name or text values within the column, hover over the column or value to see the full text.
If desired, resize the entire list side to display more information.
- Click the Filters icon to open the Filters modal, where you can apply filters that will allow you to narrow your focus on different resourcing aspects.
Tip: To view only projects that are upcoming or actively being worked on, use the Remaining Hours filter. This filter allows you to limit your view to only resources and projects that have future hours (from today’s date forward). You can even choose which hours you want that to be based on—Soft Allocations, Hard Allocations, Scheduled Hours, or all of the above! For more information, see Resource Center Filters.
- Click the Views drop-down to save a new view. This view will retain all of your column selections, including any sort or resizing changes you have made to the columns.
Warning: Any changes that you make to your Saved Views in the old Team Members tab will override the changes you have made in the early access Team Members tab.
This new article—which includes information on the early access feature Configure Columns in Resource Center—is now available.
This article has been updated to include more specific date information in the Upcoming Functionality section.
This article has been updated to include information on filters, Saved Views, and changes to the Timeline styling—all of which has just released. A new section "Differences between the Old Team Members Tab and the Early Access Team Members Tab" is also available, The Upcoming Functionality section has also been updated to address when the old tab will be removed from Resource Center.
This article has been updated to account for sort and column width now being available in Saved Views for the early access Team Members tab.
This article has been updated to add additional features and refine timelines in the Upcoming Functionality section.
This article has been updated to refine timelines in the Upcoming Functionality section.
This article has been updated to include information on custom field columns, the Remaining Hours filter, and usability improvements to the Configure Columns modal.
This article has been updated to refine information and timelines in the Upcoming Functionality section.
This article has been updated to include information on additional visual enhancements that released today.
This article has been updated to include information on the Task side panel now being available in the early access Team Members tab.
This article has been updated to include information on two new columns for the project rows: Resource ID and Previous Resource ID.
Dates in the Upcoming Functionality section of this article have been updated.
This article has been updated to include information on the Time Off and Holiday enhancements.
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