See the total time tracked by members across all projects chronologically or by team member in the Time Tracking Analytics report.
Default Account Permissions: Account Administrator, Report Viewer with Cost, or Report Viewer
Summary: See the total time tracked by members across all projects chronologically or by team member.
The Time Tracking analytics report is similar to the Utilization report, but rather than showing how potential time is consumed during a specified date range, it shows only the projects and tasks where people have logged time. This helps you quickly identify which resources are spending too much time on the bench or tracking unnecessary time on a project.
Further, the Time Tracking report gives you a breakdown of all the billable and non-billable time spent by all resources across the organization, whereas the Utilization report shows every resource, regardless if they're participating on the project or not.
To access this Analytics report, hover over Analytics from the left navigation and then select Time Tracking from the People section.
How to Configure the Report
You can filter the Time Tracking report in the following ways:
Date Range—Use the from and to fields to specify a start and end date between which data is retrieved for the report. Most Analytics reports require that you specify a date range in order to generate a viable report. You will only see results if time was logged during the selected period.
Note: This report can only retrieve information for a date range spanning up to one year. To see data older than a year, first adjust the end date to an earlier date, then you can select an earlier start date. - Hours Range—Enter values in the min and max fields to include only hours that fall within the specified range.
- Organizations—When enabled, Organizations can limit visibility or categorize project data in standard Analytics reports, so you can see how specific departments or regions are performing. Simply choose an available Department and/or Geography to include them in the report. For more information, see our Organizations in Analytics Reports article.
- Group—Only time tracked for the Group you specify are included in the report. As you start typing the group name, a drop-down will populate with a list of relevant selections. Leave this field blank to include all time tracked in the report.
Project—Leave this field blank to view time tracked across all projects or projects using alternative filter criteria (e.g., Invoice Status). To view time tracked against a single project, specify the name of the project. As you begin typing, a drop-down appears below the field, populated with a list of relevant selections. Choose the project to use for the report.
- Task—To use this field, you must first select a project. Leave this field blank to view time tracked across the entire project. To view the time tracked for a single task in the project, specify the name of the task. As you begin typing, a drop-down appears below the field, populated with a list of relevant selections. Choose the task to use for the report.
- Task Type—Any time tracked against tasks of this type for the selected project will be included in the report. Choose from Task , Deliverable , Milestone , Issue or All.
- Invoice Status—If you select All, the report includes all invoices that match the selected filter criteria, regardless of status. Otherwise, you can specify that the report include only Paid, Open, or Unbilled invoices.
- Personnel—Use this field to limit the report to a specific member who has tracked time against a project or task. As you start typing, a drop-down appears below the field with a list of relevant members.
Group By—This option changes the table that makes up the body of the report.
- Team Member (default)—This view rolls up tracked time under each member.
None—Select this to view tracked time entries in chronological order.
- Account Role—Use this field to limit the report to members with a specific account role who tracked time against a project or task. As you begin typing, a drop-down appears below the field with a list of relevant account roles.
How to Generate the Report
It is recommended that you double-check the selected report filters (above) before generating or exporting the report.
Generate Report—Click this button to generate the report using the selected criteria. After a few seconds, the report results will appear below the filters in the Kantata OX interface. You can then "save" the report by exporting it as an XLS (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet) or CSV (Comma Separated Values) file.
- Reset Report—Clears the selected filter criteria and resets the report to its empty, default state.
Export Report—Report data (filtered by your selection criteria) is exported to an XLS or CSV file and emailed to you.
How to Read this Report
A generated Analytics report is typically divided into sections containing charts and tables; often, a report header containing summary information, followed by details that make up the body of the report. Depending on the combination of selected filters and attributes, each report can be broken down (i.e., sliced and diced) to surface specific trends or interesting patterns.
Here's how to read what appears in a generated Time Tracking report:
After generating a Time Tracking report, the following information is displayed:
- Hours Tracked—Shows the total number of Billable and Non-Billable hours tracked on the selected projects or tasks within the specified date range.
- Possible Hours—Shows how many hours were possible for your team members to work in the selected time period based on their workweek in the Schedule section of the Account Member side panel. This total sum of potential hours deducts holiday and time off, but not scheduled time off using the non-billable time off [PTO] functionality.
- Projects—This is the total number of projects that fall within the selected date range and criteria.
- Personnel—This is the total number of members that fall within the selected date range and criteria.
- Tasks—This is the total number of tasks that fall within the selected date range and criteria.
- Total (Fees)—This is the total amount of all billable hours (multiplied by billing rate) that fall within the selected date range and criteria.
Table (when grouped by Team Member)
- Member—This expandable column displays the member who tracked time.
- Holiday—Shows the number of hours that a member was unavailable for work due to a holiday. This number is taken into account when calculating a member's possible hours.
- Time Off—Shows the number of hours a member has scheduled time off during the specified date range. This number is taken into account when calculating a member's possible hours.
- Utilization—Shows the member's actual hours vs possible hours, followed by their total utilization percentage.
- Total—This is the total billable and non-billable hours per member.
- Billable / Non-Billable—Shows the distribution (hours and percentages) of billable and/or non-billable time tracked on each project or task. Essentially, this is a breakdown of all time spent.
Table (when grouped by None)
- Date—Shows the date time was tracked chronologically from newest to oldest.
- Project—Shows the project that time was tracked against.
Task —Shows the task that time was tracked against.
- Expand / Collapse Notes—When logging a time entry, if additional notes (optional) were included, they can be viewed in the report by clicking Expand Notes.
- Location—Shows the location that time was tracked against, if one was added.
- Team Member—Name of the team member who tracked time.
- Time—Total time tracked by this member for the specified date range, project, and/or task.
- Rate—The historical hourly rate and currency in which the member tracked time for the specified date range, project, and/or task. This information is determined by rate cards.
- Subtotal—The total time tracked by the member multiplied by the rate. For example, if a member tracked 4 hours 0 minutes on a project at $160 an hour, the subtotal would be $640.
Status—Indicates whether an expense is unbilled (blank), Open (blue), or Paid (green). If an expense is Open, the number of days that the invoice has been open is included.
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