Review expenses for the projects in your account, including their corresponding receipts, in the Expenses Analytics report.
Default Account Permissions: Account Administrator, Report Viewer with Cost, or Report Viewer
The Expenses analytics report is a good way for project managers or operations personnel to review recent expenses in a specific date range. For example, suppose you and your team spent a week working onsite for a client. The Expenses report makes it easy to see all the expenses that were logged, invoiced, and paid by the client during that onsite.
Generating an Expenses report will show you the team members who submitted expenses, associated vendors, optional expense notes (if any), and the projects and tasks to which an expense was logged. You’ll also see the total amount of billable expenses, broken down by how much is Paid, Open, or Unbilled.
To access this Analytics report, hover over Analytics from the left navigation and then select Expenses from the Finances section.
How to Configure the Report
You can filter the Expenses report in the following ways:
- Date Range—Use the from and to fields to specify a start and end date between which data is retrieved for the report. Most Analytics reports require that you specify a date range in order to generate a viable report.
- Organizations—When enabled, Organizations can limit visibility or categorize project data in standard Analytics reports, so you can see how specific departments or regions are performing. Simply choose an available Department and/or Geography to include them in the report. For more information, see our Organizations in Analytics Reports article.
- Project—Leave this field blank to view multiple projects using alternative filter criteria (e.g., Invoice Status). To view a single project, specify the name of the project. As you begin typing, a drop-down appears below the field, populated with a list of relevant selections. Choose the project to use for the report.
- Category—Select an expense category. Kantata OX has six default expense categories: Entertainment, Food, Lodging, Mileage, Travel, and Other. If you use Kantata OX's integration with QuickBooks, you can inherit additional expense categories from QuickBooks via sync. Otherwise, you can add, edit, or delete expense categories (even the defaults, with the exception of Other) via the Kantata OX API. For more information, see How to Create and Delete Expense Categories.
- Vendor—Use this field to limit the report to the vendor used for logged expenses. Vendors in Kantata OX are added or imported from the Vendors tab of the Time & Expense settings.
- Reimbursable—Choose whether to include expenses that are Reimbursable, Non-Reimbursable, or Both (default) in the report. An expense is considered reimbursable (or not) depending on whether the Reimbursable to me box was checked when the expense was logged.
- Invoice # (if enabled)—Choose to include a specific expense by invoice number. As you start typing the invoice number, the drop-down will populate with a list of relevant selections.
Invoice Status (if enabled)—If you select All, the report includes all expenses with invoices that match the selected filter criteria, regardless of status. Otherwise, you can specify that the report include only Paid, Canceled or Unpaid expenses.
Note: To learn more about enabling the Invoice # and Invoice Status filters, please contact your Customer Success representative. - Team Member—Use this field to limit the report to a specific member who has logged an expense. Only members that have logged expenses will appear in the drop-down menu.
- Billable—Choose whether to include All (default), Billable, or Non-Billable expenses in the report. An expense is considered billable (or not) depending on whether the Billable box was checked when the expense was logged.
Receipts—Choose whether to show or Exclude receipt images that were uploaded when the expense was logged. If Show at Bottom is selected, any receipts attached to an expense are displayed at the end of the report; this is useful when you want to print the report, including receipts.
Note: The following file types for receipts are supported to display in this report: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, and bmp. To download an image with an unsupported file type, right-click View and select Save Link As. - Amount Range—Enter values in the min and max fields to include only invoices for amounts within the specified range.
How to Generate the Report
It is recommended that you double-check the selected report filters (above) before generating or exporting the report.
Generate Report—Click this button to generate the report using the selected criteria. After a few seconds, the report results will appear below the filters in the Kantata OX interface. You can then "save" the report by exporting it as an XLS or CSV file.
- Reset Report—Clears the selected filter criteria and resets the report to its empty, default state.
- Export Report—Report data (filtered by your selection criteria) is automatically exported to an XLS (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet) or CSV (Comma Separated Values) file and saved to the default folder for downloaded files on your computer.
How to Read this Report
A generated Analytics report is typically divided into sections containing charts and tables; often, a report header containing summary information, followed by details that make up the body of the report. Depending on the combination of selected filters and attributes, each report can be broken down (i.e., sliced and diced) to surface specific trends or interesting patterns.
Here's how to read what appears in a generated Expenses report:
Report Header
When reading the Expenses Analytics report, consider Kantata OX's expense approval workflow. For example, when a member records an expense, it is not yet considered "billed." This Unbilled expense will be changed to Open when the corresponding invoice is sent to the vendor (i.e. the client). When the vendor pays the invoice, the status of the expense changes to Paid.
- Total—This is the total amount invoiced for all projects that fall within the selected date range and filter criteria.
- Paid—Shows the total amount of invoiced expenses that have been paid.
- Open—Shows the total amount of invoiced expenses that have yet to be paid.
- Unbilled—Shows the total amount of expenses that have not yet been invoiced.
Report Table
- Date—This column displays the date the expense was logged.
- Project—This column contains all invoiced project(s) included in the report by name.
- Task—This column shows the task for which the expense was logged.
- Category—This column displays the expense category.
- Notes—This column shows any optional notes that were added during the logging of the expense.
- Team Member—This column contains the member who logged the expense.
- Vendor—If applicable, indicates the vendor to be reimbursed for the expense.
- Amount—The total amount of the expense.
- Billable—Indicates whether the expense is billable (Yes) or non-billable (No).
Status—Indicates whether an expense is unbilled (blank), Open (blue) or Paid (green). If an expense is Open, the number of days that the invoice has been open is also included.
- Invoice—If an expense has an associated invoice, this column shows the invoice number.
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