Learn about the available triggers and actions for the Kantata OX Connector in Kantata Connect.
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Below is a full list of all available triggers—which are events that begin a recipe—and actions for the Kantata Connect OX Connector.
Note: Some of these actions may not be available depending on your account configurations and feature availability.
Kantata Connect OX Connector Actions
Supported Objects: Fetch Record On a Schedule / Fetch Record by Group On a Schedule
- Account memberships
- Assignments
- Billable utilizations
- Cost rates
- Custom field choices
- Custom field sets
- Custom field values
- Custom fields
- Estimate scenarios
- Estimates
- Expense report submissions
- Expenses
- External Payments
- External references on a user’s account
- Holiday calendar memberships
- Invoices
- Organization memberships
- Organizations
- Participations
- Posts
- Rate card roles
- Rate card set versions
- Rate card sets
- Rate card versions
- Rate cards
- Roles
- Skill Memberships
- Skills
- Status reports
- Stories
- Daily scheduled hours story allocation days
- Story dependencies
- Story state changes
- Story tasks
- Subscribed events
- Survey responses
- Survey templates
- Time entries
- Time off entries
- Timesheet submissions
- Users
- Workspace allocations
- Workspace groups
- Workspace resources
- Workspace status changes
- Workspaces
- Workweek memberships
- Workweeks
Supported Objects: Create Record
- Access group membership
- Account invitation
- Account location
- Assignment
- Attachment
- Backup approver association
- Billable utilization
- Creating client invoice default
- Creating one or many cost rate
- Custom field set
- Custom field value
- Custom field
- Estimate scenario resource
- Estimate scenario
- Estimate
- Expense category
- Expense report submission
- Expense
- Generate a data export
- External payment
- External reference
- Exchange table
- Import exchange rate
- Holiday calendar association
- Holiday calendar membership
- Holiday calendar
- Holiday
- Insights access group membership
- Invoice
- Line item lock
- Organization
- Participation
- Post
- Project accounting record
- Creating a project snapshot
- Project template assignment
- Project template
- Proof review
- Proof revision
- Proof
- Rate card role
- Rate card set version
- Rate card table row
- Rate card set
- Rate card
- Resource request
- Role
- Scheduled report export
- Skill membership
- Skill
- Status report
- Story
- Daily scheduled story allocation day
- Following a story
- Story task
- Survey answer
- Survey question
- Survey response
- Survey Template
- Time entry
- Creating one or many time off entry
- Timesheet submission
- Vendor
- Workspace allocation
- Workspace baseline
- Workspace group
- Workspace invoice preference
- Workspace resource skill
- Workspace resource
- Creating allocations from scheduled hours for resource
- Creating allocations from scheduled hours for resource by ID
- Workspace status change
- Workspace
- Creating workspace invitation
- Workweek membership
- Workweek
Supported Objects: Delete Record
- Existing access group membership
- Existing account invitation
- Existing account location
- User from an account
- Existing assignment
- Existing attachment
- Existing backup approver association
- Existing billable utilization
- Client invoice defaults by ID
- Existing cost rate
- Existing custom field set
- Multiple custom field value
- Existing custom field value
- Existing custom field
- Existing estimate scenario resource
- Existing estimate scenario
- Existing estimate
- Existing expense category
- Multiple expenses
- Existing expense
- Existing external payment
- Existing external reference
- Existing holiday calendar association
- Existing holiday calendar membership
- Existing holiday calendar
- Existing holiday
- Existing insights access group membership
- Existing invoice
- Existing organization membership
- Existing organization
- Existing participation
- Existing post
- Existing project template assignment
- Existing project template
- Existing proof review
- Existing rate card role
- Existing rate card set version
- Rate card table row
- Existing rate card set
- Existing rate card
- Existing role
- Existing scheduled report export
- Existing skill membership
- Existing skill
- Existing status report
- Existing story
- Multiple daily scheduled hours story allocation day
- Existing daily scheduled hours story allocation day
- Unfollowing a story
- Existing story task
- Existing survey answer
- Existing survey question
- Existing survey response
- Existing survey template
- Multiple time entry
- Existing time entry
- Multiple time off entry
- Existing time off entry
- Reset profile photo
- Existing vendor
- Existing workspace allocation
- Existing workspace baseline
- Existing workspace resource skill
- Existing workspace resource
- Existing workspace
- Existing workweek membership
- Existing workweek
Supported Operations: Execute Action
- Resend an account invitation
- Make user inactive
- Make a user active
- Check rate cards activation status
- Activate rate cards
- Sync a created attachment
- Get a list of currencies
- Approve an expense report submission
- Cancel an expense report submission
- Reject an expense report submission
- Retrieve the next available invoice number
- Cancel an existing invoice
- Soft deleting a project accounting record
- Exporting project account records in a CSV
- Importing project account records in a CSV
- Publish a rate card set version
- Fetching a single skill membership
- Fetching a list of story follows
- Approve timesheet submissions
- Cancel timesheet submissions
- Reject timesheet submissions
- Approve a timesheet submission
- Cancel a timesheet submission
- Reject a timesheet submission
- Splitting an allocation
- Apply a project template to an existing workspace
- Unarchive workspace with approvals
Supported Objects: Get Records by ID
- Access group membership
- Account invitation
- Account location
- Assignment
- Backup approver association
- Billable utilization
- Fetching client invoice defaults by ID
- Custom field set
- Custom field value
- Estimate scenario resource
- Estimate scenario
- Estimate
- Expense report submission
- Expense
- Single data export
- External payment
- Exchange table
- Holiday calendar association
- Holiday calendar membership
- Holiday calendar
- Holiday
- Insights access group membership
- Invoice
- Line item lock
- Organization
- Participation
- Post
- Project accounting record
- Project template assignment
- Project template
- Proof review
- Proof revision
- Proof
- Rate card role
- Rate card set version
- Rate card set
- Rate card
- Resource request
- Role
- Scheduled report export
- Latest export
- Skill
- Status report
- Story
- Daily scheduled story allocation day
- Story dependency
- Retrieving a single story follow
- Story state change
- Story task
- Time entry
- Timesheet submission
- User
- Fetch my work capacity
- Workspace allocation
- Workspace baseline
- Workspace group
- Workspace invoice preference
- Workspace resource skill
- Workspace resource
- Workspace status change
- Workspace
- Fetch permissions in a workspace
- Workweek membership
- Workweek
Supported Objects: Search Records With Pagination
- Access group memberships
- Account colors
- Account invitations
- Account locations
- Assignments
- Backup approver associations
- Billable utilizations
- Creating client invoice defaults
- Cost rates
- Fetch custom branding settings
- Custom field choices
- Custom field sets
- Custom field values
- Custom fields
- Estimate scenario resources
- Estimate scenarios
- Estimates
- Expense categories
- Expense report submissions
- Expenses
- List of data exports
- Data set schema
- External payments
- External references on a user's account
- Exchange tables
- Exchange rates
- Holiday calendar associations
- Holiday calendar memberships
- Holiday calendars
- Holidays
- Insights access group memberships
- Insights reports
- Invoices
- Line item locks
- Organizations
- Participations
- Posts
- Project accounting records
- Project snapshots
- Project template assignments
- Project templates
- Proof review participations
- Proof reviews
- Proof revisions
- Proofs
- Rate card roles
- Rate card set versions
- Fetch rate card table rows
- Rate card sets
- Rate card versions
- Rate cards
- Fetch estimate scenario resource recommendations
- Resource requests
- Roles
- Scheduled report exports
- Skill categories
- Skill memberships
- Skills
- Status reports
- Stories
- Daily scheduled story allocation days
- Story dependencies
- Story state changes
- Story tasks
- Subscribed events
- Subscribed event types
- Survey answers
- Survey questions
- Survey responses
- Survey templates
- Time entries
- Timesheet submissions
- User file associations
- Users
- Fetch your own data
- Vendors
- Workspace allocations
- Workspace baselines
- Workspace groups
- Workspace resource skills
- Workspace resources
- Workspace status changes
- Workspaces
- Workweek memberships
- Workweeks
Supported Objects: Update Record
- Existing account invitation
- Existing account location
- Existing access group membership
- User from an account
- Existing assignment
- Existing attachment
- Existing backup approver association
- Existing billable utilization
- Updating client invoice defaults by ID
- Existing cost rate
- Existing custom field set
- Existing custom field value
- Existing custom field
- Existing estimate scenario resource allocation
- Existing estimate scenario resource
- Existing estimate scenario
- Existing estimate
- Existing expense category
- Multiple expense
- Existing expense category
- Existing expense
- Cancel a data export
- External reference
- Existing exchange table
- Existing holiday calendar membership
- Existing holiday calendar
- Existing holiday
- Existing insights access group membership
- Existing invoice
- Existing organization membership
- Existing organization
- Existing participation
- Existing post
- Updating project snapshot
- Existing project template assignment
- Existing project template
- Existing proof review participation
- Existing proof review
- Existing proof revision
- Existing proof
- Existing rate card role
- Existing rate card set version
- Rate card table row
- Existing rate card set
- Existing rate card version
- Existing rate card
- Existing resource request
- Resource request approver
- Existing role
- Scheduled report export
- Existing skill membership
- Existing skill
- Existing status report
- Existing story
- Existing daily scheduled hours story allocation day
- Existing story task
- Existing survey answer
- Existing survey question
- Existing survey response
- Existing survey template
- Existing time entry
- Existing time off entry
- Existing User
- Profile photo
- Existing vendor
- Existing workspace allocation
- Existing workspace baseline
- Existing workspace group
- Existing workspace invoice preference
- Existing workspace resource skill
- Existing workspace resource
- Existing workspace
- Toggle Expense approval setting
- Toggle time approval setting
- Switch to default workweek
- Existing workweek membership
- Existing workweek
Supported Objects: Upsert Custom Fields
Note: This action requires a Subject Type, Subject ID, and the Custom Field ID in order to create or update the value of an existing custom field.
- Estimate
- Workspace
- Workspace Group
- Resource
- Story
- User
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