See how team members across the organization are performing in the Utilization Analytics report.
Default Account Permissions: Account Administrator, Report Viewer with Cost, or Report Viewer
This report does not include allocated hours; only Scheduled, Actual, Billable, and Non-billable hours.
Summary: See how team members across the organization are performing.
The Utilization Analytics report provides real-time reporting data on projected, actual, and billable utilization so you can make data informed operational decisions. Our Utilization report allows you to see members’ scheduled time compared to their actual time, the variance between the two, and a breakdown of billable hours—all in real time.
This report provides a basic comparison of Projected and Actual Revenue and can be used to make important operational decisions such as promotions, bonuses, when to hire, or when to make the tough decision of letting an employee go. Resource managers or product managers can use this report to look at the overall utilization for the business and identify potential skill gaps.
How Does Kantata OX Calculate Utilization?
Utilization measures how effectively a person uses the potential time they have available. Utilization in Kantata OX is calculated as a ratio:
- The numerator is the total number of tracked time.
- The denominator is the total potential time for a period (based on the Account Default or member Custom workweek), excluding time off and holidays.
Different companies define utilization differently. Here are some ways to measure utilization in the professional services industry:
- Billable Utilization—This is the number of billable hours, defined at the time entry level. Billable utilization helps you determine what percentage of a user's time can be attributed to revenue-generating work.
- Productive Utilization—This is the total time spent on anything your organization considers productive work, regardless of whether the time is billable or non-billable. Productive work may include activities such as internal meetings, organizational activities, or training. Productive utilization should almost always be closer to 100% than a normal billable utilization because more non-billable hours are counted to this percentage.
- Total Utilization—This is how many hours have been logged in the system from the same denominator of potential time in a period.
To access this Analytics report, hover over Analytics from the left navigation and then select Utilization from the People section.
How to Configure the Report
You can filter the Utilization report in the following ways:
- Date Range—Use the from and to fields to specify a start and end date between which data is retrieved for the report. Most Analytics reports require that you specify a date range in order to generate a viable report.
- Organizations—When enabled, Organizations can limit visibility or categorize project data in standard Analytics reports, so you can see how specific departments or regions are performing. Simply choose an available Department and/or Geography to include them in the report. For more information, see our Organizations in Analytics Reports article.
- Group (i.e., Client Name)—Only projects with the Group you specify are included in the report. As you start typing the group name, a drop-down will populate with a list of relevant selections. Leave this field blank to include all projects in the report.
- Project—Leave this field blank to view multiple projects using alternative filter criteria (e.g., Account Role). To view a single project, specify the name of the project. As you begin typing, a drop-down appears below the field, populated with a list of relevant selections. Choose the project to use for the report.
Account Role—Locate members with specific account roles (not project roles). Filtering by Account Role is useful for total utilization numbers because it only includes resources that actually track time. If you filter a report by multiple Account Roles, the report summary will reflect a roll-up of the data in the table.
- Personnel—Use this field to limit the report to a specific member who has tracked time against a project or task. As you start typing, a drop-down appears below the field with a list of relevant members.
- Scheduled Utilization—Use this field to limit the report to people whose scheduled utilization matches one of the following criteria:
- All
- Under Scheduled—Members who are scheduled less hours than they are available to work.
- Fully Scheduled—Members who are scheduled the exact number of hours they are available to work.
- Over Scheduled—Members who are scheduled more hours than they are available to work.
- Actual Utilization—Use this field to limit the report to people whose actual utilization matches one of the following criteria:
- All
- Under Utilized—Members who have logged less hours than they are available to work.
- Fully Utilized—Members who have logged the same number of hours they are available to work.
- Over Utilized—Members who have logged more hours than they are available to work.
- Include Inactive Members—By default, users who are deactivated are excluded from the report. Including inactive users will add their hours to summaries and calculated totals for this report. This is useful if you want to see historical data (e.g., last year’s utilization).
How to Generate the Report
It is recommended that you double-check the selected report filters (above) before generating or exporting the report.
Generate Report—Click this button to generate the report using the selected criteria. After a few seconds, the report results will appear below the filters in the Kantata OX interface. You can then "save" the report by exporting it as an XLS or CSV file.
- Reset Report—Clears the selected filter criteria and resets the report to its empty, default state.
Export Report—Report data (filtered by your selection criteria) is automatically exported to an XLS (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet) or CSV (Comma Separated Values) file and saved to the default folder for downloaded files on your computer.
- Detailed Export—The default export is a “collapsed” version that only has user information and aggregates per user. Check this box before exporting the report to extract more information and break the report down by all projects and tasks, including time not logged to a task. This is useful if you want to see all the tasks that members are working on and where they are spending time.
How to Read This Report
A generated Analytics report is typically divided into sections containing charts and tables; often, a report header containing summary information, followed by details that make up the body of the report. Depending on the combination of selected filters and attributes, each report can be broken down (i.e., sliced and diced) to surface specific trends or interesting patterns.
Here's how to read what appears in a generated Utilization report:
Report Header
Scheduled Utilization
- Available Hours—Shows the total number of hours that can be scheduled within the specified date range. (e.g., Possible Hours - Scheduled Hours)
- Scheduled Hours—Shows the total number of hours that have been scheduled within the specified date range.
- Possible Hours—Shows the total number of hours members can work within the specified date range. If Custom Workweeks are enabled, the Utilization Analytics report summary calculates possible hours using any custom workweek that has been set for an individual account member.
Actual Utilization
- Available Hours—Shows the total number of available work hours within the specified date range. (e.g., Possible Hours - Actual Hours)
- Actual Hours—Shows the total number of hours that users have tracked time for within the specified date range.
- Possible Hours—Shows the total number of hours members can work within the specified date range.
- Projected Revenue—The total number of all scheduled hours multiplied by the bill rate.
- Actual Revenue—The total number of all billable hours multiplied by the bill rate.
- Projects—The total number of projects that fall within the selected date range and criteria.
- Personnel—This is the total number of members that fall within the selected date range and criteria.
Report Table
- Personnel—This expandable column displays each member that meets the filtered criteria.
- Holiday—Shows the total number of holiday hours for the member within the specified date range.
- Time Off—Shows the total number of time off hours for the member within the specified date range.
- Capacity—Shows the total number of hours the member can work within the specified date range. This value is based on the Account Default or member Custom workweek.
- Total Hours—This section breaks down the total hours an employee was scheduled for and worked, including billable and non-billable hours.
- Scheduled—Shows the total hours the member was scheduled for and the percent this value is out of their capacity.
- Actual—Shows the total hours the member worked and the percent this value is out of their capacity. This value is based on the time they’ve tracked against projects.
- Variance—The difference between the Scheduled and the Actual hours worked; also known as the difference between your plan and what actually happened.
- Billable Hours—This section breaks down the total billable hours an employee was scheduled for and worked.
- Scheduled—Shows the total billable hours the member was scheduled for and the percent this value is out of their capacity.
- Actual—Shows the total billable hours the member worked and the percent this value is out of their capacity. This value is based on the billable time they’ve tracked against projects.
Variance—The difference between Scheduled and Actual billable hours worked; also known as the difference between your plan and what actually happened.
Any variance between scheduled and actual hours shows the differences between what was committed and what actually happened for each member. If the variance is shown in red, the member did not track the hours committed to them. If the variance is shown in black, the member tracked more hours than what was expected or committed for them. - Unlinked—If you see an “Unlinked” task, this means the employee logged time without linking it to a task. For example, an employee is working on a project (and logging time), but there are no tasks that match the description of what they are doing or there are no tasks added to the project.
You can expand each user in the report and see the projects where they spent time. You can then expand each project to see associated tasks. This way, you can break the report down by project and task to see where each person is most and least utilized. This can answer questions such as who is underutilized and can be assigned to more projects, or which roles are overutilized and could use additional hiring.
If time adjustments are enabled on your account, they are reflected in these reports. So, if you see a negative utilization percentage (which is technically possible if there is a negative time adjustment), it simply assumes the net (i.e., time entries plus time adjustments).
Prior to the release of the Time Off feature, Insights reports could not access member time off information. To populate time off information into Insights, users tracked time against a special “PTO project” created for that purpose. Any actual time logged on a “PTO project” was deducted from both the numerator and denominator of the utilization calculation in Insights reports.
However, the Analytics reports have no concept of the “PTO project”. As a result, those who use this method may see discrepancies between Analytics and Insights reports.
Since the “PTO tagging” mechanism will be retired in the future, new users are strongly encouraged to use the Time Off feature instead of the “PTO project”. This will guarantee accurate Analytics and Insights reports in the future.
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