On the project’s QuickBooks Settings page, you can add or update QuickBooks product and service mappings at the task or project level for Kantata customers, jobs, tasks, fixed fee items, time activities, or additional items. This way, you can adjust mappings on a project level and keep them separate from the account-level QuickBook mappings.
Certain sections or fields will affect different project-level or account-level mappings. These fields are indicated with a note box in the corresponding sections below.
To go to a project’s QuickBooks Settings page, select QuickBooks from the Actions project workspace.
drop-down menu located to the right of the project name in theQuickBooks Customer and Job (for Billing Purposes)
In this section, you can specify the QuickBooks customer or job this project is for and who the project invoices will be sent to.
QuickBooks Task Configuration
In this section, you can map the QuickBooks Product/Service to Kantata Task Tracker items so account members can send time entries to QuickBooks. Depending on how your QuickBooks is set up, these can be high-level (e.g., Advertising) or more granular (e.g., Cardstock).
QuickBooks Default Project Mappings
In this section, you can set your default QuickBooks products/services mappings for fixed fees, time activities, or additional items.
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