Default Account Permissions: Account Administrator
As an Account Administrator, you can use the Data Exporter to export large amounts of raw data from Kantata OX into CSV files. Once exported, you can make adjustments to the data and upload it to your external tool of choice—such as a data warehouse or business intelligence (BI) tool. All of this makes it easy to report on Kantata data alongside data from other tools your business may use.
To access Data Exporter, hover over Settings in the left navigation and select Exports.
On the Data Exports page, you‘ll see a table that includes the following columns:
- Export—This is the filename for the CSV file that is being exported. You may notice that the Exported On timestamp and the data set name are included in the filename.
- Exported On—This is the date and time that the file export was started.
- Exported By—This is the account member that created the export.
- Data Exported—This is a quick look at which data columns were included in the exported CSV file. Click View Data to see the data set and its selected columns.
- Export Status—This is the status of an export. There are currently five available statuses: Queued, Generating, Canceled, Complete, and Failed. Hover over a status to see more details.
- Actions—The unnamed column at the far-right allows you to download an exported file or cancel an export that is in the Queued status.
The Export to CSV button in the top-right launches the Data Exporter, where Account Administrators can select which data set to export and indicate which fields to include. There is even the option to restrict the data to specific timeframes based on an object’s creation date.
Data Exporter supports the following data sets:
- Expense
- Extended History (with add-on enabled)
- Invoice
- Project
- Project Participation
- Resource
- Role
- Task
- Task Assignment
- Time Entry
- User
For information on what fields are available within each data set, see the Available Data Points section in this article.
At the bottom of the Data Exports table, you can select whether you're viewing either 10, 25, 50, or 100 export rows at a time. Select your preference from the bottom-right of the page; changes are automatically saved.
Rows that exceed your selected number are added to subsequent pages. You can scroll through these from the bottom-center of the page.
How to Export Data
- In the left navigation, hover over Settings, and select Exports.
- On the Data Exports page, select Export to CSV.
Note: You can select Download at the end of an export row to immediately download a previously exported data set.
- In the Data Exporter, select the data set that you want to export.
- If desired, use the From and To fields to limit your data to objects that were created before, after, or between certain dates.
For example, the fields in the Time Entry data set could be limited to all time entries created in the first quarter of the year (e.g. from January 1, 2025, to March 31, 2025). - In the Data Exporter modal, deselect any columns that you do not want to appear in the exported file. All columns are selected by default.
Note: Custom fields are available to select in some data sets. These will appear at the bottom of the list and are prefixed with “CF:”.
- When finished, select Generate Export in the bottom-right. You return to the Data Exports page where the CSV file indicates that it is Generating or Queued.
- If you need to cancel an export, click Cancel in the far-right column. This action is only available when an export is in the Queued status.
- When the file export has completed, return to the Data Exports page and click Download.
Note: If you remain on the page after the export has begun generating, you will need to refresh the page to see if the Export Status has updated. The Download link will not appear until the file export has completed. Depending on the amount of data that is being exported, this may take awhile.
Available Data Points
The tables within this section include the following information for each data set:
- The available fields for each data set
- The data types for those fields
- The descriptions for the fields
Allocation Data Set
The Allocation data set contains fields related to allocated hours in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Allocation ID | Primary ID | The unique ID number of an allocation assignment. |
Allocated Time | Integer | The amount of time in minutes that is allocated to a project for a resource. |
Allocation Type | Boolean | Indicates whether an allocation is soft or hard. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that an allocation assignment was created. |
Creator ID | Reference ID | The unique user ID of the account member who created an allocation. |
End Date |
Date | The end date of an allocation assignment. |
Notes | Text | An optional note entered on an allocation assignment. |
Resource ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of a resource assigned to an allocation. |
Start Date | Date | The start date of an allocation assignment. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that an allocation assignment was last updated. |
Updater ID | Reference ID | The unique user ID of the account member who updated an allocation. |
Expense Data Set
The Expense data set contains fields related to entering expenses, submitting expense reports for approval, or approving expenses in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Expense ID | Primary ID | The ID number of an expense. |
Amount | Integer | The amount of an expense in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD). |
Approved | Boolean | A flag that indicates if an expense was approved. |
Approved Date | Date | The date an expense was approved. |
Billable | Boolean | A flag that indicates if an expense was billable. |
Category | Text | The selected category of an expense: Entertainment, Food, Lodging, Mileage, Travel, or Other. If a custom expense category has been created, other values may also appear. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time when an expense was created. |
Currency | Text | The currency type of an expense. |
Date | Date | The user-entered date that an expense was incurred. |
Invoice ID | Reference ID | The ID number of the invoice associated with an expense. |
Last Action By | Reference ID | The ID number of the account member who approved, rejected, or canceled expenses. |
Note | Text | The text from a note included on the expense. |
Project ID | Reference ID | The ID number of the project associated with an expense. |
Rejected Date | Date | The date an expense was rejected. |
Requires Approval | Boolean | A flag that indicates if an expense requires approval. |
Role ID | Reference ID | The ID number for the project role of the person who created the expense. |
Source Currency | Text | The original currency of a submitted expense prior to any project currency changes. |
Status | Text | The approval status of an expense. |
Status Note | Text | The note left by an approver regarding the expense report submission. |
Submission ID | Reference ID | The ID number of the expense report that the expense was included in. |
Submitted Date | Date | The date an expense was submitted. |
Task ID | Reference ID | The ID number of the task associated with an expense. |
Taxable | Boolean | A flag that indicates if an expense was taxable. |
Team Member Reimbursable | Boolean | A flag that indicates if an expense is reimbursable to the associated user. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that an expense was last updated. |
User ID | Reference ID | The ID number of the user associated with an expense. |
Vendor Name | Text | The vendor associated with an expense. |
Extended History Data Set [Beta]
The Extended History data set contains fields related to Extended History in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Event ID | Primary ID | The ID number of an event. |
Event Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time an event record was created. Note: This is not when the action was actually performed and may be different from Action Performed Timestamp. |
Event Type | Text | The type of change event (e.g. workspace:created, workspace:updated, etc.). For a list of all the event types, please see the Subscribed Events Reference article. |
Project ID | Reference ID | The ID number of the project associated with an event. |
Action Performed Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time the event was triggered (i.e. when the action was performed). |
Record ID | Reference ID | The ID number of the record associated with an event. |
Record Type | Text | The type of the record associated with an event (e.g. project, task, etc.). |
User ID | Reference ID | The ID number of the user that triggered an event. |
Current Payload | JSON | The updated data record, as metadata in JSON format. |
Previous Payload | JSON | The data record before it was changed, as metadata in JSON format. |
Payload Changes | JSON | The previous and current values for the changed fields in the data record, as metadata in JSON format. |
Event Context | JSON | Additional context for the event, such as associated project or user. |
Holiday Data Set
The Holiday data set contains fields related to holidays in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Holiday ID |
Primary ID | The unique ID number of a holiday. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a holiday was created. |
End Date | Date | The end date of the holiday. |
Name | Text | The user-entered name of a holiday. |
Paid | Boolean | Indicates whether the holiday is paid or not. |
Start Date | Date | The start date of the holiday. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a holiday was last updated. |
Holiday Calendar Data Set
The Holiday Calendar data set contains fields related to holiday calendars in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Holiday Calendar ID |
Primary ID | The unique ID number of a holiday calendar. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a holiday calendar was created. |
Default | Boolean | Indicates whether this is the default calendar for the account. |
Name | Text | The name of the holiday calendar. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a holiday calendar was last updated. |
Holiday Calendar Association Data Set
The Holiday Calendar Association data set contains fields related to holiday calendars that are assigned to members in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Holiday Calendar Association ID |
Primary ID | The unique ID number of a holiday calendar association. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a holiday was associated with a calendar. |
Holiday Calendar ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of a holiday calendar associated with a holiday. |
Holiday ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of a holiday associated with a holiday calendar. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a holiday calendar association was last updated. |
Holiday Calendar Membership Data Set
The Holiday Calendar Membership data set contains fields related to the memberships of holiday calendars in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Holiday Calendar Membership ID |
Primary ID | The unique ID number of a holiday calendar membership. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a holiday calendar was associated with a user. |
End Date | Date | The date the holiday calendar membership ends. |
Holiday Calendar ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of a holiday calendar associated with a user. |
Start Date |
Date | The date the holiday calendar membership starts. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a holiday calendar membership was last updated. |
User ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of a user associated with a holiday calendar. |
Invoice Data Set
The Invoice data set contains fields related to invoicing in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Invoice ID | Primary ID | The unique ID of an invoice. |
Amount | Currency | The total amount that has been invoiced, including all line items such as time entries, fixed fee items, expenses, and other items where applicable. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time an invoice was created. |
Due Date | Date | The date an invoice was due. |
Message | Text | The note added to an invoice. |
Number | Integer | The invoice number (may be user-defined). |
Paid Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time an invoice was paid. |
Payment Schedule | Integer | The payment schedule of an invoice (e.g. 30 days). |
Payment Status | Text | The payment status of an invoice (paid or unpaid). |
Posted Date | Date | The date an invoice was sent. |
Project Code | Text | The project code entered on an invoice. |
Purchase Order | Text | The purchase order number entered on an invoice. |
Recipient ID | Reference ID | The user ID of the person who received an invoice, which defaults to the team lead on the client side of a project. |
Sender ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of the account member who sent an invoice. |
Submission Status | Text | The submission status of an invoice (draft or posted). Note: This field is not available on all accounts and may return blank information in the exported file. |
Tax Rate | Decimal | The tax percentage associated with an invoice. |
Title | Text | The title entered on an invoice. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that an invoice was last updated. |
Project Data Set
The Project data set contains fields related to project information within the project workspace in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Project ID | Primary ID | The unique ID of a project. |
Account ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of the Kantata OX account the project belongs to. |
Amount Paid | Integer | The total amount in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD) paid to a project from invoices and individually logged payments. |
Archived | Boolean | A flag that indicates if a project is archived (true or false). |
Archived Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time a project was archived. |
Billable Default | Text | A flag that indicates if a project is billable or non-billable. |
Billing Mode Default | Text | The default task billing mode of a project (Time and Materials or Fixed Fee), as set in project settings. |
Budget | Currency | The project's current budget. |
Budget (Original) | Currency | The project's original budget. |
Budget Used | Integer | The project burn based off actual fees in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD). Billable expenses and additional line items may be included in actual fees calculations depending on a project’s settings. |
Budgeted | Boolean | A flag that indicates if a project is budgeted (true or false). |
Client Lead User ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of the project lead on the client side of a project. |
Client Name | Text | The name of the client team on a project. |
Color Name | Text | The project color, as set in project settings. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time a project was created. |
Currency | Text | A project’s currency (e.g. USD, EUR, etc.). |
Description | Text | The project description. |
Due Date | Date | A project’s due date. |
Effective Rate Card Version | Reference ID | The unique ID number of the current active rate card version on a project. |
Include Additional Invoice Items in Budget | Boolean | A flag that indicates if additional invoice items are included in a project’s budget burn calculation. |
Include Expenses in Budget | Boolean | A flag that indicates if expenses are included in a project’s budget burn calculation. |
Provider Lead ID | Reference ID | The ID of the team lead on the provider side of a project (e.g. Team Lead / Project Manager). |
Rate Card ID | Reference ID | The unique ID for the rate card on a project. |
Stage | Text | The current stage of a project (Project or Estimate). |
Start Date | Date | The project’s start date. |
Target Margin | Integer | A project’s target margin. |
Task Status Set | Text | The task status set for the project, as set in project settings. |
Time Entry Notes Required |
Boolean | Indicates if a project requires a note to be entered for each time entry. |
Title | Text | The name of a project. |
Time Tracking | Boolean | A flag that indicates if you can track time to a project (true=allowed, false=restricted). |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time a project was last updated. |
Project Participation Data Set
The Project Participation data set contains fields related to people who are participating in project workspaces in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Project Participation ID | Primary ID | A unique ID for an account member's participation. |
Account ID | Reference ID | The Kantata OX account number of the project owner. |
Allocated Time | Integer | The sum of a resource’s allocated hours in minutes on a project. |
Bill Rate | Integer | The bill rate of project roles in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD). |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The time and date that a team member was added to a project. |
Estimated Time | Integer | The sum of all resource estimated hours in minutes on a project. |
Project ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of the project the member is participating in. |
Role ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of a team member’s project role. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a team member's project notification settings were last updated. |
User ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of an account member. |
Rate Card Roles Data Set
The Rate Card Roles data set contains fields related to rate card roles.
Field | Type | Description |
Rate Card Role ID | Primary ID | The unique ID number of a rate card role. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time a rate card role was created. |
Rate | Integer | The rate for the role assigned to a rate card. |
Rate Card Version ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of a rate card version. |
Role ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of the account role assigned to a rate card. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a rate card role was last updated. |
Rate Card Versions Data Set
The Rate Card Versions data set contains fields related to rate card versions.
Field | Type | Description |
Rate Card Version ID | Primary ID | The unique ID number of a rate card version. |
Active | Boolean | Indicates whether a rate card version is active or inactive. |
Created At | DateTime | The date and time a rate card version was created. |
Currency | Text | The currency for a rate card version. |
Default Rate | Integer | The default rate for a rate card version. |
Effective Date | Date | The date a rate card version becomes active. |
Rate Card ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of a rate card. |
Title | Text | The title of a rate card version. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a rate card version was last updated. |
Resource Data Set
The Resource data set contains related to named and unnamed resources.
Field | Type | Description |
Resource ID | Primary ID | The unique ID of a resource. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time a resource was created. |
Default Role ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of the account role assigned to an account member. For unnamed resources, this is the role of the resource. |
Project ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of the project a resource is participating in. |
Role ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of a resource’s role. |
Title | Text | The resource label of a resource. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a resource was last updated. |
User ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of an account member. |
Role Data Set
The Role data set contains fields related to account roles and project roles.
Field | Type | Description |
Role ID | Primary ID | The unique ID of an account role or project role. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time an account role or project role was created. |
Name | Text | The name of an account role or project role. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that an account or project role was last updated. |
Scheduled Hours Data Set
The Scheduled Hours data set contains fields related to scheduled hours in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Scheduled Hours ID |
Primary ID | The unique ID number of a scheduled hours assignment. |
Active | Boolean | Indicates whether an assignment on a task is active or has been deleted. |
Assignment Date | Date | The date of a scheduled hours assignment. |
Assignment ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of an association between scheduled hours and an assigned user. |
Bill Amount | Integer | The bill amount in cents—or the equivalent currency subunit—of a scheduled hours assignment, based on bill rate and the amount of time scheduled. |
Bill Rate | Integer | The hourly rate in cents—or the equivalent currency subunit—that is billed for the scheduled hours assignment. |
Cost Amount | Integer | The cost amount in cents—or the equivalent currency subunit—of a scheduled hours assignment, based on bill rate and the amount of time scheduled. |
Cost Rate | Integer | The hourly rate in cents—or the equivalent currency subunit—for the cost of the scheduled hours assignment. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a scheduled hours assignment was created. |
Project ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of the project associated with a scheduled hours assignment. |
Scheduled Time | Integer | The amount of time in minutes that is scheduled on a task assignment for a resource. |
Task ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of the task associated with a scheduled hours assignment. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a scheduled hours assignment was last updated. |
Task Data Set
The Task data set contains fields related to task information.
Field | Type | Description |
Task ID | Primary ID | The unique ID of a task. |
Archived | Boolean | A flag that indicates if a task is archived (true or false). |
Billable | Boolean | A flag that indicates if a task is billable (true=billable, false=non-billable). |
Completed Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time a task was completed. |
Cost Budget | Integer | The cost budget in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD) of an individual task. Note: This field is not available on all accounts and may return blank information in the exported file. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time a task was created. |
Creator ID | Reference ID | The unique user ID of the account member who created a task. |
Deleted Timestamp | DateTime | The time and date a task was deleted. |
Description | Text | A task’s description. |
Due Date | Date | A task’s due date. |
Estimated Budget | Integer | The amount in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD) of a task’s budget. |
Estimated Time | Integer | The number of task estimated hours, broken down into minutes. |
Fixed Fee | Boolean | A flag that indicates if a task is fixed fee (true=fixed fee, false=time and materials). |
Milestone Weight | Integer | The weighting of a milestone task. |
Name | Text | A task’s name. |
Parent Task ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of a subtask’s parent task. |
Percentage Complete | Integer | The user-defined percentage of how complete a task is. |
Priority | Text | A task’s priority level (Normal, Low, High, or Critical). |
Project ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of a project. |
Start Date | Date | A task’s start date. |
Status | Text | A task’s current status. |
Subtask: Billable Time | Integer | The sum of all billable time in minutes logged to subtasks nested beneath a task. |
Subtask: Count | Integer | The number of all subtasks nested beneath a task. |
Subtask: Depth | Integer | The depth (1-5) of a subtask nested beneath a task. |
Subtask: Estimated Budget | Integer | The sum of all task budgets in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD) on subtasks nested beneath a task. |
Subtask: Estimated Budget Used | Integer | The sum of all fees in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD) logged to subtasks nested beneath a task. |
Subtask: Estimated Time | Integer | The sum of all task hours in minutes on subtasks nested beneath a task. |
Top Level Task ID | Reference ID | The highest-level task ID. |
Type | Text | A task’s type (Task, Milestone, Deliverable, or Issue). |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a task was last updated. |
Track Time & Expenses | Boolean | A flag that indicates if you can track time or expenses to a task (true=allowed, false=restricted). |
Task Assignment Data Set
The Task Assignment data set contains fields related to peoples’ assignments on tasks.
Field | Type | Description |
Task Assignment ID | Primary ID | The unique ID for a task assignment. |
Active | Boolean | A flag that indicates if a task assignment is active (true or false). |
Assignee ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of an assignee on a task. |
Assigner ID | Reference ID | The unique user ID of the account member who assigned someone to a task. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time a user was assigned to the task. |
Estimated Minutes | Integer | The amount of resource estimated hours—broken down into minutes—on a task assignment. |
Resource ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of a resource assigned to a task. |
Task ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of an assigned task. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a task assignment was last updated. |
Time Entry Data Set
The Time Entry data set contains fields related to time entries that users have submitted or that has been approved.
Field | Type | Description |
Time Entry ID | Primary ID | The unique ID of a time entry. |
Approval Date | DateTime | The date and time a time entry was approved. |
Approved | Boolean | A flag that indicates if a time entry is approved (true or false). |
Bill Amount | Integer | The bill amount in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD) of an individual time entry. |
Bill Rate | Integer | The bill rate in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD) used for an individual time entry. |
Billable | Boolean | A flag that indicates if a time entry is billable (true=billable, false=non-billable). |
Cancelled Date | DateTime | The date and time a time entry was cancelled. |
Cost Amount | Integer | The cost amount in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD) of an individual time entry. |
Cost Rate | Integer | The cost rate in the subunits of the currency (e.g. cents for USD) used for an individual time entry. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time a time entry was entered. |
Currency | Text | The currency of the project the time entry is for. |
Date | Date | The date entered for a time entry. |
Invoice ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of an invoice that includes a time entry. |
Location | Text | The location associated with a time entry. |
Notes | Text | A note associated with a time entry. |
Project ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of the project associated with a time entry. |
Rejected Date | DateTime | The date and time a time entry was rejected. |
Role ID | Reference ID | The unique ID for the role of the person entering time to a project. |
Status | Text | The status of a time entry: approved, cancelled, pending, rejected, or unsubmitted. |
Status Note | Text | The note left by an approver regarding the time entry submission. |
Submission Date | DateTime | The date and time a time entry was submitted. |
Submission ID | Reference ID | The unique ID for the submission of a time entry. |
Task ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of the task associated with a time entry. |
Time | Integer | The amount of time in minutes entered on an individual time entry. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a time entry was last updated. |
User ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of the user who submitted a time entry. |
Time Off Data Set
The Time Off data set contains fields related to time off entered in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Time Off Entry ID |
Primary ID | The unique ID number of a time off entry. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a time off entry was created. |
Requested Date | Date | The date that the time off entry was submitted for. |
Time Off Amount | Integer | The amount of time off in minutes. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that the time off entry was last updated. |
User ID | Reference ID | The user associated with the time off entry. |
User Data Set
The User data set contains fields related to user information.
Field | Type | Description |
User ID | Primary ID | The unique ID assigned to an account member. |
Classification | Text | Designates whether the user belongs to the primary account (internal) or another external account (external). |
Cost Rate | Integer | A user’s default cost rate, as set in account member settings. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time an account member was added to Kantata OX. |
Current Utilization Target % | Percentage | The current utilization target percentage set for a user. |
Deactivated Date | DateTime | The date a user was deactivated. |
Default Role ID | Reference ID | The unique ID of the account role assigned to an account member. This field will always be their role even if they have changed it for a time entry or project. |
Text | The user’s email address. | |
Job Title | Text | An account member’s job title. |
Manager ID | Reference ID | The ID number of an account member's manager. |
Manager Name | Text | The name of an account member's manager. |
Name | Text | The full name of an account member. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that a user was last updated. |
User Workweek Data Set
The User Workweek data set contains fields related to custom workweeks in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Workweek ID |
Primary ID | The unique ID number of a custom workweek. |
Account Default | Boolean | Indicates whether this is the default workweek for the account. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that the workweek was created. |
Creator ID | Reference ID | The unique user ID of the account member who created a workweek. |
End Date | Date | The date the workweek is no longer active. |
Friday Minutes | Integer | The amount of time in minutes dedicated to the workday for Friday. |
Monday Minutes | Integer | The amount of time in minutes dedicated to the workday for Monday. |
Saturday Minutes | Integer | The amount of time in minutes dedicated to the workday for Saturday. |
Start Date | Date | The date that the workweek becomes active. |
Sunday Minutes | Integer | The amount of time in minutes dedicated to the workday for Sunday. |
Thursday Minutes | Integer | The amount of time in minutes dedicated to the workday for Thursday. |
Total Minutes | Integer | The total amount of time in minutes dedicated to the workweek. |
Tuesday Minutes | Integer | The amount of time in minutes dedicated to the workday for Tuesday. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that the workweek was last updated. |
Wednesday Minutes | Integer | The amount of time in minutes dedicated to the workday for Wednesday. |
User Workweek Membership Data Set
The User Workweek Membership data set contains fields related to the memberships of custom workweeks in Kantata OX.
Field | Type | Description |
Workweek Membership ID |
Primary ID | The unique ID number of a custom workweek membership. |
Created Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that the workweek was associated to a user. |
Effective Until Date | Date | The date that the workweek membership is no longer active. |
End Date | Date | The date that the workweek membership ends. |
Start Date | Date | The date that the workweek membership starts. |
Updated Timestamp | DateTime | The date and time that the workweek membership was last updated. |
User ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of the user associated to a workweek. |
Workweek ID | Reference ID | The unique ID number of a workweek. |
Kantata OX API
- Get Data Set Schema
- Get a List of Data Exports
- Generate a Data Export
- Get a Single Data Export
- Cancel a Data Export
- Download a Data Export
This article has been updated to include information for the following new data sets:
This article has been updated to include a video.
This article has been updated to include information on the new Task Status Set field available in the Project Data Set.
This article has been updated to include information on the new Time Entry Notes Required field in the Project data set.
This article has been updated to include an additional field in the Project data set and an additional field in the Task data set.
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