Only available to Account Administrators, the Account Members page is where you manage account member information and permissions. To access the Account Members page, go to Settings > Members.
Note: To manage roles on your account, hover over Settings in the left navigation and select Roles. To configure access for members based on their Account Permission level, hover over Settings in the left navigation and select Access Groups.
Account Member Lists
There are three tabs on the Account Members page that include lists of account members in various states:
- Active—Users that you are currently paying for on your account.
Pending—Users that have not yet accepted the invitation to your account. Pending users appear in this section because they already belong to a Kantata account and have yet to confirm that they are going to leave their current account and accept your invitation.
Note: If the user already belongs to a Kantata account on an expired trial plan, they will not receive the invitation. The user should downgrade to a Free plan in Settings > Plan, then you need to cancel the invitation and resend it.
- Inactive—These are users who have been deactivated by the Account Administrator. These are commonly people who have left the company and no longer need access to the system.
Note: To see a list of External Project Participants—external people that you've invited to participate on your projects—and remove their project access, click the View your current External Project Participants link at the top of the page.
List Actions
You can complete the following actions from any tab:
- Use the Search field to quickly locate members by name.
- From the column headers, Sort and Filter by member name, permission level, role, skills, bill rate (if rate cards are not enabled), and cost rate.
- Use the Invite Account Members button on the top-right to invite people individually to your account and start collaborating with them.
Import members using a comma-separated value (CSV) template populated with the following user information:
- Member Name
- Email Address
- Headline (Title)
- Cost Rate
- Billable Utilization Target
- Role
- Permission Level
Export a list of your current account members in a comma-separated value (CSV) or Microsoft Excel file. The exported spreadsheet contains the following information about each account member:
- Name, Title, and Email Address.
- The Permission Level that they currently have on the account.
- Their assigned Account Role.
- Their Bill Rate (if rate cards are not enabled), and Cost Rate.
- The date and time of their Last Activity.
- The date and time that the membership was Created On.
- Their Department and Geography (when Organizations functionality is enabled).
- The name of their Manager and whether the manager approves time.
- Whether the user will be warned when submitting fewer hours than the weekly target.
- Whether their account permissions are set to View Only by default.
- A list of skills.
- Their User ID and Account Membership ID.
- Their Account Member Classification—i.e. whether they are internal (a member on your account) or external (part of your Talent Network).
- Whether the member Can Log In to your Kantata account.
- If any user sets custom fields that have been added, these will each appear as separate columns on the export.
Individual Account Members Actions
When you select an account member’s name from the list, you can complete the following actions from the Account Member side panel:
- Edit Member—Clicking on a person’s name from the Account Members list opens the Account Member side panel, allowing you to change their email address, role, bill/cost rate, permissions, and more.
Deactivate Member—Although best used when someone is let go or leaves the company, deactivated users can easily be reactivated from the Inactive tab at any time; this is useful for seasonal employees or contractors. It revokes their ability to access your account (based on their email address) and they will no longer have access to projects for which they were contributing.
Note: It is recommended that you first deactivate an existing account member prior to inviting a new member.
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