The new Resourcing tab feature fully released on October 17, 2023 and is now available for all Premier and Enterprise accounts.
The new Resourcing tab is available in financial projects for any provider-side project member that has permissions to schedule hours. This new tab looks and feels just like the Resource Center—with the focus being only on the project you are managing resources for.
Similar to the Resource Center, the Resourcing tab gives you a comprehensive overview of the project’s resources, timeline, planned and projected budget, and team member information—including roles and hours information.
Differences between Legacy Resourcing and New Resourcing
In addition to the updated look and a more consistent scheduling experience, the new Resourcing page gives you access to new tools and features that were previously unavailable from the project workspace.
The following capabilities are all brand-new to the Resourcing tab:
- Display more than 6 weeks of assignments—with the ability to view hours at the day, week, or month level
- See and manage project allocations
- Drag and drop to add scheduled hours and allocations
- Manage staffing needs via Team Builder or Resource Requests—if these features are enabled in Resource Management Settings
- Add named and unnamed resources to the project
- Manage bulk actions for scheduled hours—such as Distribute, Reassign, or Clear
- Manage bulk actions for allocations—such as Create Allocations from Scheduled Hours, Shift, Reassign, or Clear
- Determine availability and work capacity based on scheduled hours assignments from all projects
- Use filtering options via the Filters modal, including newly available task filters
- Choose to display only named or unnamed resources
To familiarize yourself with the new page and learn how to complete the actions you normally would, see each section below where we compare the new and old layout.
Team Member List
By default, the legacy page displayed only named and unnamed resources that had task assignments or allocations on the project and you needed to select the Show All Team Members checkbox above the list to show your full project team of named and unnamed resources.
You could also see a breakdown of their Estimated, Allocated, Scheduled, and Actual hours and a More
menu displayed to the left of these hours in the Actions column.Now, all unnamed resources and people with future allocations on the project display by default. You can quickly display hidden resources by clicking Show at the bottom of the Team Members list. Estimated, Allocated, Scheduled, and Actual hours still all display in the resource and task rows and the More
menus have moved to the right-hand side of the list.For information on the different actions available in each More menu, see the Resource Actions section.
On the legacy page, you could use the Filter
icon on the Team Members column to display only specific people.Within the recently added Filters modal, you can still filter down to specific Team Members, but the following task filters are also available now:
- Task Start Date
- Task Due Date
- Task Status
- Task Type
- Task Title
You also have the option to choose whether Named, Unnamed, or All resources are shown—with All shown by default.
Resource Actions
Previously, you could complete the following actions for a resource:
- Clear All Scheduled Hours
- Clear Only Future Scheduled Hours
- Unassign from All Tasks
- Assign to Task
Now, you can still Assign to Task and Unassign from All Tasks. You can also complete the following additional actions for the resource:
- Edit Resource
- Convert to Unnamed Resource (only available for named resources)
- Shift All Allocations
- Create Allocations
- Change Allocation Type (only available for named resources)
- Reassign Allocations
- Clear Allocations
- Remove from Project (only available for named resources)
- Delete Resource (only available for unnamed resources)
You also now have the ability to Add Unnamed Resources and Add Team Members from the bottom of the list.
Task Actions
Previously, you could complete the following actions for a tasks:
- Clear All Scheduled Hours
- Clear Only Future Scheduled Hours
- Unassign
- Reassign
You could also distribute hours to your resources from the Resource Shaping tool.
Now, you can do all of the following from the More
menu on the task row:- Distribute Hours based on your selected distribution method
- Reassign Hours for any selected time period while still maintaining the task assignment
- Clear Hours for any selected time period
- Unassign from Task
Calendar Controls
Previously, you were only able to view hours on a daily basis and could not view more than 6 weeks at a time.
Now, the timescale selector allows you to select whether you would like to look at hours at the Day, Week, or Month level. The number of days, weeks, or months that are viewable on this page are dependent on the size of your browser window.
You can still select the Calendar
icon or the back and forward arrows to jump to a specific timeframe, as you could in the previous page.Managing Hours on the Timeline
Previously, you were only able to manage scheduled hours and resource estimated hours from the Resourcing tab, entering the number of daily hours one by one. You could reference allocated hours on the resource row—represented by a thin blue line, or a red line if the resource was overallocated.
Now, you can manage scheduled hours, resource estimated hours, allocations within the project’s Resourcing tab with the focus on only allocated hours, only scheduled hours, or a combined view of both.
It is still easy to see when a resource is overscheduled or overallocated, with red highlighting appearing for overallocated resources in the Allocated Hours and Compare Scheduled and Allocated views and appearing for overscheduled resources in the Scheduled Hours and Compare Scheduled and Allocated views.
You can also quickly add the same amount of daily hours over a large amount of time by clicking and dragging the desired duration of time and entering the daily number of hours needed.
Resource Availability
Previously, you could select a day to see a resources’ other tasks and the number of scheduled hours they were assigned to work on that day. If your permissions allowed, you could select the task name to take you to the Task Tracker for that project.
Now, you can select the scheduled hours row to see all scheduled hours for a resource on the current project and other projects that you have permission to view, as well the total number of scheduled hours for all projects, even those you don’t have permission to view. You can also select to see these hours breakdowns on a daily, weekly, or monthly level, as well as use the arrows to navigate back and forth to different time periods.
Viewing Time Off
Previously, you could view the daily amount of a resource’s time off on the timeline.
Now, you can access this information from the Resourcing tab by doing the following:
- Select the resource name.
- In the Details section of the Resource side panel, click View User Profile.
- In the User side panel, select the Schedule tab to view the Upcoming Time Off section.
Frequently Asked Questions
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