When rate cards are set up, you can select a rate card for a project at any time. If you do not choose a rate card when creating a project, the Account Rate Card will be applied to a project by default.
Selecting a Rate Card during Project Creation
- In the left navigation, hover over Projects and select Add New.
- On the Create a New Project page, enter the Project Name.
- In the Financials section, select the Currency you want, and then choose the Rate Card you would like to apply to the project.
Note: Only rate cards that use the selected project currency will appear in the menu.
- Fill out all relevant fields for your project in the remaining sections, then select Create Project in the top-right corner of the page.
Changing a Rate Card in the Project Settings
- In the project workspace, select the Actions
- In the Financials section of the Project Settings page, choose the Rate Card you would like to apply to the project.
Note: Only rate cards that use the selected project currency will appear in the menu.
- In the upper-right corner of the page, select Update Project.
Changing a Rate Card from the Summary Bar
When a project is in the Estimate stage, users with the Project Administrator permission level and the Select rate cards permission in the Account Settings access group set can change the project's rate card from the Summary Bar.
- In the project workspace, select the Task Tracker tab.
Note: The Summary Bar is not available in the legacy Task Tracker.
- If the Summary Bar below the Task Tracker table is collapsed, select the Sigma icon to expand it.
- On the right side, select the rate card you would like to apply to the project.
Note: Only rate cards that use the selected project currency will appear in the menu.
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