How to Add a Task
- Hover over Projects on the left navigation, and select your project.
- In the project workspace, click the Gantt tab. The Local Gantt chart opens.
- Click Add Task on the right of the timeline header. The new task appears at the bottom of the Tasks list.
- In the new task, double-click the Task Type column to select a task type; Task, Deliverable, Milestone, or Issue.
- To change the task name, double-click the Name column and type a new one. You can also right-click the title, and select Edit Task to open the task Information modal and change the title under the General tab. Note: You can quickly add a task above or below a specific task by right-clicking the task Name, hovering over Add..., and then select either Task above or Task below.
How to Add a Subtask
- In the Tasks list, right-click on the task to which you'd like to add a Subtask.
- Hover over Add..., and then select Subtask.
- To change the subtask title, double-click the subtask Name and type a new one.
How to Add Successors and Predecessors
- In the Tasks list, right-click on the task to which you'd like to add a Successor or Predecessor,and then select Edit Task.
- In the Information modal, select either the Predecessors or Successors tab.
- In the bottom-right corner, select the green add icon.
- Select the predecessor or successor task from the Name drop-down.
- Select the predecessor or successor type from the Type drop-down.
- Finish to Start (FS)—The predecessor ends before the successor can begin.
- Start to Start (SS)—The predecessor begins before the successor can begin.
- Finish to Finish (FF)—The predecessor ends before the successor can end.
- Start to Finish (SF)—The predecessor begins before the successor can end.
- In the Lag column, click the up or down arrow to specify the amount of lag or lead days, or manually type in the amount.
- Click Save.
Note: You are not allowed to create circular dependencies. If you experience errors due to circular dependencies, see Task Dependencies in Task Tracker to learn how they can be resolved.
How to Edit Tasks
Most of the information in the Tasks list can be added or edited by double-clicking on the field or value you want to add or change.
You can also right-click the field or value and select Edit Task to open the Information modal. From here, you can make more detailed changes under the General, Predecessors, Successors, and Resources tab, or add a description by clicking the Description icon.
You can also reorder tasks in the list by clicking and dragging them up or down.
How to Edit Task Dates
- In the Tasks list, double-click the Start or Finish date you'd like to change.
- Type a new date or click the calendar icon
How to Delete Tasks
You can delete a task from the Tasks list or the Schedule by right-clicking on the task and clicking Delete task.
Note: Tasks with dependencies cannot be deleted until you remove the dependency.
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